Thursday, April 06, 2006
Lights off! That's my favorite part of the day. The moment I go into my room , throw my things to a corner and changed my clothes; I quickly turn-on my lamp (sometimes the television), closed my lights and lie in my bed. Ahhh. Bed. Sweet loving bed.

I love it when the lights are dim. I love it when the lamp is giving my room a soft tinge of yellow. Making all the walls soft and cold. I love the serenity of the night. Well most of the times, if not for the neighbor's dog that does a full concert throughout the night, I appreciate the solitude of my room.

I'm a nocturnal creature.

If only the security is high and the crime rate here in our country is low, I would gladly walk our streets at an ungodly hour. but it's not so I try to be contented in the dimness of my room. Most of the times after the working hours. I enjoy walking from our building to the bus stop. at 11 pm, there are less people in the streets. the corridors are quiet, the elevators are empty, the underpass is serene. Everything looks different when the night takes over. You can see what other people miss out. Just look up the sky and you'll see an intricate pattern that the heavens created. There is still beauty hidden in the darkness.

Ahh. Bed. Sweet loving bed.
posted by Johnjan @ 4:09 PM  
  • At 4/11/2006 12:56 PM, Blogger Rowjie said…

    well well well, i think we all feel the same... stressed out at the end of each day. Huhu. Hopefully we could find a way to release all our stress.

    Don't forget to take time to enjoy and relax!

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