Friday, August 24, 2007
Do you know your IP Address?
Well do you?

If you do then good for you! But if you don't then let me tell you a raunchy way of knowing your IP address. Just follow these steps and it'll change the way you look, well maybe say, IP addresses ever again.

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1. Look at the picture. (Is she in pain? Ecstasy? Trying to sh*t a load? You decide)
2. Close your eyes. Let the picture burn in your brain (or eyeballs if you may).
3. Now click this link --> GIVE IT TO ME GOOD, ooooh! Aaaaah! Yes! Yes!
4. Listen to your IP address. Let your imagination run wild.
5. Return to this blog.

My Review: I love the 'dot' part. 'dhhhooooooot'.

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posted by Johnjan @ 10:25 AM  
  • At 8/24/2007 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    whoaahh!! im back! uhmm.. partly back, i mean.. hekhek.. haayz.. kay talga puti basta sa mga kamanyakan, nagunguna ka!! wahahaha.. miz u moochiez janjan! muahmuah. =)

    ps. pagkita naten, sexy na ako ulit!! hahaha..

    bubuhayin ko na ulit ang sexybitchy.. hehe.. :D

  • At 8/27/2007 12:32 PM, Blogger Dantes said…

    Onnneee!!!! Ahhhh!!!! Twoooooooooo!
    Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Fo...foour!!!!!! dooohT!

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