Well do you? If you do then good for you! But if you don't then let me tell you a raunchy way of knowing your IP address. Just follow these steps and it'll change the way you look, well maybe say, IP addresses ever again. 1. Look at the picture. (Is she in pain? Ecstasy? Trying to sh*t a load? You decide) 2. Close your eyes. Let the picture burn in your brain (or eyeballs if you may). 3. Now click this link --> GIVE IT TO ME GOOD, ooooh! Aaaaah! Yes! Yes! 4. Listen to your IP address. Let your imagination run wild. 5. Return to this blog. My Review: I love the 'dot' part. ' dhhhooooooot'. Labels: girls, internet |
whoaahh!! im back! uhmm.. partly back, i mean.. hekhek.. haayz.. kay talga puti basta sa mga kamanyakan, nagunguna ka!! wahahaha.. miz u moochiez janjan! muahmuah. =)
ps. pagkita naten, sexy na ako ulit!! hahaha..
bubuhayin ko na ulit ang sexybitchy.. hehe.. :D